The pre-eminent Catholic Laymen's Organization that supports the work of the church and local parish.
Suffield Council # 6281
Ed McAnaneny, Grand Knight
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Important Upcoming Dates & Knights News:
- Next local Suffield Council # 6281 meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Father Ted Hall.
- The Knights of Columbus celebrates Founder's Day on March 29th to commemorate the first meeting held in 1882 by Fr. Michael J. McGivney, bringing Catholic men together in a powerful way. This international Order of Catholic men are called to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others, and defend values in a busy changing world. If you would like to consider joining, simply go to org/joinus and enter our local council #6281 for (Suffield) information.
- The Knights of Columbus are planning a Pancake Breakfast for Sacred Heart Parishioners following the 8:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. masses on Sunday, March 30th in Father Ted Hall. All are welcome to attend this free-of-charge event, which will have a gluten-free option available. Donations will be accepted at the door in support of Hurricane Helene survivors.
In advance of this event, there will be a special second collection during each of the masses for the March 22nd & 23rd weekend to benefit families severely impacted by Hurricane Helene. The Suffield Knights of Columbus Council # 6281 has agreed to match all parishioner donations received during the weekend or subsequent March 30th pancake breakfast up to a maximum of $5,000 with all funds collected to be forwarded to a charity in Parr Ottsville, TN. This charity has been working with a Suffield based group of volunteers, Suffield Samaritans, serving as the local onsite coordination for the ongoing relief efforts to assist a group of Tennessee and North Carolina families to get back on their feet.