Category: Sacrament/ Baptism.
Meetings: First Tuesdays of each month.
Contact: Parish office Monday through Thursday at 860-668-4246
Whether through birth or adoption, you have been blessed with a child! The Sacred Heart Parish Family celebrates this wonderful gift from God and we are happy to be included in this very important part of your family’s history.
Now, you are presenting this child to God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. It is a rebirth into the eternal life of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Sacramental life of your child. For some families, this child is the first for others it is another addition to the family but no matter the number of children, a parent’s love for his/her children is a gift from God that will grow stronger each day. Through your loving witness, your child will come to know and love God above all things and his/her neighbor as themselves. This is one of the first prayers in our ceremony and your commitment to God to raise the child entrusted to you as a person of faith.
The Church, and your Sacred Heart Parish Family are here to support you in this very important ministry of being a parent. Whether your faith background is Roman Catholic or not, you are promising God that this child will learn to know and love God as a Catholic. With the assistance of the Godparents, you will help this child to mature in the faith as they learn their prayers, attend Mass (even in the Children’s Chapel) and become part of our parish family. Soon they will be celebrating their First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and eventually completing their initiation in the faith as they are Confirmed.
We are here to help you with opportunities to worship, participate in Community Outreach, Social events, and Faith Formation. Online resources are also available through our website, parish Facebook page and FORMED, a valuable tool for all members of Sacred Heart Parish.
Just as you will support and celebrate your child as they take their first few steps, eventually learn to ride a bicycle, and eventually start driving lessons in the family car, the Sacred Heart Parish Family is with you as parents and as disciples to guide and support you through the joys and challenges of the years ahead. As your child grows in faith so will you and your family.
May God bless you and your growing family! May Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family of Nazareth always find a home in your home!
Families new to the parish and families who are having their first child baptized are asked to attend a baptism prep session. The sessions are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the church. Godparents are welcome to attend if they are able. Please feel free to bring the child/children with you. After the class, we can schedule a date for the celebration.
Usually, baptisms take place following the 11:00 Mass on Sunday (10:30 Mass June-August). Other arrangements can be made for special circumstances. For more information, please call the parish office Monday through Thursday at 860-668-4246
God bless you all!
Fr. Joe Keough,
Please contact the Sacred Heart Church Rectory if you are interested in having your child baptized. You may either call the Rectory at 860-668-4246 or email at with any questions. Thank you.