Category: Education
Meetings: Classes meet Sunday
Contact: Sacred Heart Church
The Religious Education program seeks to live the Gospel by educating the children of Sacred Heart Parish in the Catholic faith and its traditions. With parental support and guidance, this evangelization is accomplished through classroom instruction, involvement in parish activities and outreach to the community at-large.
Classes are held during the school year from mid-September through mid-April.
Each year, we are pleased to welcome back a number of our devoted team of program volunteers who make a commitment to instruct our children in the values and doctrines of our Faith. They are dedicated to, and a part of, a quality program for their family.
Would you like to be a part of this ministry? As we rely entirely on our church community for volunteers; we always have a number of openings available in all grades for catechists, assistants and aides. Please visit our "Religious Education" page to learn more about our ministry. Thank you.