Sponsor Certificates: Our parish receives a number of requests for Sponsor Certificates from people who have been asked to be a Godparent at a Baptism or a Sponsor at a Confirmation. This certificate verifies that you are an active Catholic, a member of this parish and eligible for this honor. Being a Godparent or a Sponsor is not just a family or social relationship, as important as these may be. It is a profound spiritual responsibility which entails witness and commitment, and, for this reason, there are several requirements:
a) The Godparent/Sponsor must be at least sixteen years old.
b) He/she must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation.
c) If married, the Sponsor/Godparent must have been married according to the laws of the Church.
To request a sponsor certificate, please call Fr. Joe Keough at 860-668-4246.